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Freedom in Christ

  Freedom is not freedom until you spread your wings and fly. Freedom is not freedom until you find life in the Son. Freedom is not freedom until you see that life is about becoming. It is a ... READ the POST

Tips for Healthy Living

I always wanted to write a blog about how to prevent colds and reduce the spreading of germs. Thus, I’m so happy to share this blog with you today. My mother always encourages her family to drink ... READ the POST

God Will Make a Way

In Exodus 14, the LORD told Moses about His plan to harden Pharaoh’s heart so that he would refuse to let the children of Israel go. The LORD said to Moses, “Then I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, so ... READ the POST

Only Believe

Hello everyone! I’m so thankful that you have taken the time out of your day to read today’s post. Today I want to talk about a man of faith named Abraham. I hope you enjoy it! A biblical example ... READ the POST

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